Saturday, December 26, 2009

Deed Without Warranty In The State Of FL When You Have 4 People Appearing In The Warranty Deed Of A House Can Either Of Them Sell?

In the state of FL when you have 4 people appearing in the Warranty Deed of a house can either of them sell? - deed without warranty

According to accept the minutes of the four people and accept to pay the depth, so my question is, will allow all parties to sell or need to be sold with anything? The reason I ask is that the property was in the name of my grandfather) (deceased, my grandmother, my uncle and my father. There are about 10 years ago, my grandmother sold the property without his consent, is this legal? If the year for buying a house questions to 1981 ... and my father all the mortgage payments (if that matters) I know this is a legal question, but I want to ask about the legality of this measure. Thank you!


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